Cultural excursions

In addition to all the nature and sport highlights Fieberbrunn also has cultural highlights to offer. You can visit the Sport city Kitzbühel, see the famous “Streif” at the “Hahnenkamm”, the inviting city center with its attractive small shops and cafes.

Also Kufstein is worth da trip. It is especially famous for its gaffer art and the famous brand Riedel.

Of course you have heard of the Swarovski crystals – but did you know that the Swarovski crystal worlds in Wattens are close to our hotel Metzgerwirt in Fieberbrunn? Let the glistening world of Swarovski Crystals sweep you away!

Contact - Metzgerwirt Fieberbrunn

Hotel Metzgerwirt
Family Scheffauer
Dorfstraße Nr. 15
A-6391 Fieberbrunn
Tel.: +43 5354 56218
Fax: +43 5354 52539
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